My Journey thru Surrogacy...

Friday, July 29, 2011


Round four was a bust :( I tested a couple of times thru the week and was getting this very very faint line..but nothing to write home I stopped testing at 9 days post save mine and my Fiancé's I went on symptoms were intense....I was sick, my breasts were sore...I was SURE I was pregnant...went in for my beta's expecting a low #...but a number...and I got a 2....50 and above is I was defiantly heart is broken..and is aching for my IP's....I don't know what the next step is...but as soon as I all will know...

Monday, July 11, 2011

My daily dose

As I sit here with a needle nestled between my thighs, warming it slightly so it won't hurt so much going in, I thought it would be neat to show you just what a surrogate has to take for medications to make a baby :)

I've got 2 Estrace 3x a day... 1 baby asprin.. 2 Doxycycline (for 3 days)..1 prego vitamin and 2ml of progesterone for the next 12 weeks!!

YUP I'm a walking pharmacy these days!! BUT I am more than willing to take it all if it means a sweet baby in the end for my awesome IP's!!

IM had her egg retrieval today and got 31 eggs!!!! WOOOT WOOT!!! They are all off getting genetic testing right now so that we get the best possible transfer!!

Looks like transfer is set for either Thursday or Saturday...depending on how the embroys grow in the next few days! Looking forward to great results in the next few days!!!

Off to do my injection!!!