My Journey thru Surrogacy...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The choice to be positive

I strongly believe that we have a choice...we chose to be positive and we chose to be negative...
We choose to let good things into our lives...and we choose to allow bad things into your lives. If you have ever seen the will know exactly what I am talking about..if not...Watch it!! It's impacting!!! The power of positive thinking has brought about GREAT things in my life...and I have many stories I could share where they have effected me.

Going into my first transfer I was all positive and full of energy and excited...yet the baby still was heart breaking and it took a real toll on my "positive thinking" theory...Well after 2 failed transfer...I decided I needed to pull up my big girl pants and get super positive again!!! SO here it goes:

I will get pregnant
The time is NOW
I will carry this healthy baby to term
I welcome abundance into my life
I am successful
I am ready and open
I am comfortable with who I am
I create abundance in all I say and do
I am a positive and happy person
I am ready to be a surrogate
I deserve perfect health and a vaginal delivery
My womb is a healthy place for a baby
I am intelligent and know what I want
I enjoy life
I can say "NO" when needed
The knowledge I need is coming to me
I am having an impact on my fertility
I have hope
I am taking charge of my fertility

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't- your right" - Henry Ford

I believe in the power of my words...and I believe I have an impact on what happens in my life. I am stepping forward with my life full of positivity...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ball is rolling..

I was honestly starting to go crazy...every time I turn around someone is asking me, how's the surrogacy going? Are you pregnant yet? What's going on...and my response was always..Not pregnant don't really know what the next step is...

WELL I finally got a call today....


We are starting our drug protocol *whew* I was getting antsy with all this waiting around!!!

IM is set for an egg retrieval in a few weeks time and then some awesome and healthy embabies are going to stick!!!

*fingers crossed* Can't wait for this journey to get kick started again!!!