My Journey thru Surrogacy...

Monday, June 25, 2012

My VBAC surrogacy birth story...

On monday June 11th (41weeks and 3days)  I went to my girl friends baby shower which was funnily labeled "POP" we were sitting down to eat dinner, I felt two small gushes.. Thought very little of it...then "POP"...I was soaked...yup my water totally broke!! I quickly finished eating my dinner then ducked out quickly..looking like I peed my pants!!
The next day ( June 12th) I saw the midwives to confirm my water had broken and have my blood drawn to keep an eye on baby and me for infection. Then went out with my IP's for lunch and a visit to reassure them, me and baby were doing fine.. The midwives gave us a time line of 72 hours before my induction would have to take we were just waiting for things to happen..or at 8pm on Thursday we'd have to evict baby!!

That night around 4pm my contractions started picking up..I called my doula who came and took care of me..everything was going great and moving well around 9pm I decided it was time for a nap..and actually feel asleep til 2am (June 13th)... Then I woke up in sheer pain!! Off to the hospital.. When we got there, there was so much crazy'ness happening..the midwives checked me and I was 4-5cm and 100% effaced.. I wanted to leave right away...just wanted to be home for longer..then the blood lab came in and poked me 4x's and couldn't get anything..last try he got it! The midwives were then checking me constantly and I started to really panic. Labour stopped. I begged the midwives to send me home. Luckily they did. My blood levels were still coming back I went home and spent the whole day being weepy and being disappointed in my body... I was so worried about having an induction the next evening. 

James and I went to bed at 6pm on June 13th as I was so emotionally exhausted and needed to rest..but baby decided it was TIME! James stayed home with me as I knew my poor doula was exhausted from taking care of me...  At 1am there was no way around it..I had to call the doula..once my doula got there I knew this was IT.  We decided to call the midwife and get her to come check me before we went up to the hospital..I was 6cm when she checked me.. I got a little upset about that..but my doula and midwife assured me it was GREAT! At 4am (June 14th) we headed off to the hospital..I was in a much better space this time.. And really looking forward to getting the show on the road! The bath at the hospital was my best friend!! And luckily this time my labour didn't stall!! 

Within a hour or so of being at hospital the midwives came in and gave me the bad white blood cell count came back High..which meant IV antibiotics..and EFM (electronic fetal monitoring)..urgh... I started to panic as those are all things I didn't doula calmed me down (again!) the EFM would not stay on well as I wanted to be walking, squatting and moving.. So we decided to do a internal fetal monitoring on baby and I am so glad we did!! The OB came in to put it on baby and I was fully dilated..which means..come on pushing!! The IP's finally got there!!

Pushing at first was slow..and I thought I'd feel a head right away..nope.. I was wrong lol..the midwife suggested she check me around 9am to see the baby's head- I got on the bed and gave a little push and could feel the top of the head!! Was that ever encouraging!! The midwives rolled the mirror in and that was even more encouraging..the IP's each touched the babies head as I was pushing and IM started bawling (which was so beautiful to watch).. They were both so over joyed and amazed to be watching their baby being pushed into the world!! IM held my leg up while I pushed with all my might and kept bawling and encouraging me to was such an amazing moment!! At around 11:10am the internal monitor fell off the babies head while I was pushing.. And we couldn't find his heart the midwife had to do an episiotomy (ouch!! No drugs at all!! That was intense!!) then he started to come down fast and quick.. The midwife called out "call the OB!" as he wasn't coming fast enough.. Which gave me the extra push to push.."cancel that"...he slid out..Ahhhh relief!! 

My IP's were both so excited..and the looks on their faces was beyond amazing!! The baby was plopped on my chest and I asked IM what it was.. Thru tearful joy she announced "IT'S A BOY!!!"

The NICU team took him right away because of the dip in his Heart rate and the infection I was carrying. Both the mom and dad came over and hugged me and thanked me. Dad said "I can't believe you did that- that was so so amazing!!" oh man..what an amazing thing to apart of.. 

The next few hours flew by..I had to stay because of the infection to get More IV antibiotics.. Which was a downer as I wanted to be home..but it worked out nicely as I got to sneak in a few cuddles with Surro baby!! 

When I went down to the NICU to officially go get my snuggles, it was another amazing and dad were both so elated and over joyed! Mom told me it was the BEST gift anyone could ever give her...the joy and love I felt was just so amazing!! And I am so pleased and honored to have done this. 

The joy I felt from having a successful VBAC was so amazing too!! I did it..I pushed a baby out!! I spent 9 months planning, seeing a chiropractor and attending birthing classes..I'm so happy it went so so well!!

Welcome to the world Surro baby!! You have amazing parents and I love you so much!!

..Harrison Brock at 11:17am on Thursday June 14th. 8lbs 14oz 23" born at 41weeks and 6days..

Saturday, June 9, 2012

still pregnant!!

So two rounds of acupuncture and two stretch and sweeps...and guess what!??! We are STILL pregnant!! :) It's soooo funny because my IP's kept telling me to wait til June 2nd...they just weren't ready til then..but now that we are "over" due the pressure is 'ON'! I've got a very impatient Mommy and Daddy awaiting to meet this sweet miracle..which s/he has decided they truly would like just a *little* bit more time...I'm actually feeling REALLY good especially for being 8 days past our due date..very little swelling and in good spirits! Hoping baby decides soon when their birthday is...I am really looking forward to the end where I get to see my IP's with their miracle baby!! We see the midwife again on Tuesday which will be followed by a NST test and possibly an ultrasound and OB visit...*fingers crossed* all goes well and baby is allowed to bake as long as they need to!!  Send me all your birthy vibes people!!