We choose to let good things into our lives...and we choose to allow bad things into your lives. If you have ever seen the Secret...you will know exactly what I am talking about..if not...Watch it!! It's impacting!!! The power of positive thinking has brought about GREAT things in my life...and I have many stories I could share where they have effected me.
Going into my first transfer I was all positive and full of energy and excited...yet the baby still passed...it was heart breaking and it took a real toll on my "positive thinking" theory...Well after 2 failed transfer...I decided I needed to pull up my big girl pants and get super positive again!!! SO here it goes:
I will get pregnant
The time is NOW
I will carry this healthy baby to term
I welcome abundance into my life
I am successful
I am ready and open
I am comfortable with who I am
I create abundance in all I say and do
I am a positive and happy person
I am ready to be a surrogate
I deserve perfect health and a vaginal delivery
My womb is a healthy place for a baby
I am intelligent and know what I want
I enjoy life
I can say "NO" when needed
The knowledge I need is coming to me
I am having an impact on my fertility
I have hope
I am taking charge of my fertility
The time is NOW
I will carry this healthy baby to term
I welcome abundance into my life
I am successful
I am ready and open
I am comfortable with who I am
I create abundance in all I say and do
I am a positive and happy person
I am ready to be a surrogate
I deserve perfect health and a vaginal delivery
My womb is a healthy place for a baby
I am intelligent and know what I want
I enjoy life
I can say "NO" when needed
The knowledge I need is coming to me
I am having an impact on my fertility
I have hope
I am taking charge of my fertility
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't- your right" - Henry Ford
I believe in the power of my words...and I believe I have an impact on what happens in my life. I am stepping forward with my life full of positivity...