So for those of you that have been following our journey you will know that it has taken ALOT longer than any of us have expected... It first started with a pregnancy that was on the rocks straight from the get go, unto a transfer that gave us positive #'s, then negative #'s the next day..then followed by 2 more negative transfers....let me tell you giving up was NOT in our vocabulary...we just had to give it ONE more try with just a little bit different protocol...and a little bit higher spirits...
Our last attempt was on September 12, we transferred ONE five day murola embryo (you'll remember in the past we always transferred 3day embryos) so with all the research we did we were SUPER hopeful for this round!!!! I did a round of acupuncture pre and post transfer, and it was glorious for once...I slept thru both sessions..which I think made for a really relaxed Angie!!!!
Due to the Toronto international film festival I was unable to get a hotel for the transfer, so I stayed with the IP's over night...they treated me very well and feed me and their impanting embryo very well!
Then came the dreaded two week wait.... On day 4 I got a faint line... But was worried my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I went out and bought the expensive first response 7...double 10 SUPER double I think we're pregnant!!!
Then came the beta's..which could make anyone go crazy...50 is considered pregnant...*drum roll please*
Beat a #1: 678!!!! Beta #2: 1748 (doubling every 30 or so hours!!!)
I was breathing a HUGE sigh of IP's on the other hand want to see their baby on screen, with a heartbeat :)
So today I lay in the clinic..holding my breath...then a HUGE smile spreads across the technicians face...." looks great!!!! Look at that heartbeat!!!" IM tears up and I choke back tears...we're here...5 transfers and almost one whole year later and we are finally here!!!!
As we are leaving the clinic I said can you guys breath now???? They both say "NO" I'm overdue they will be able to breathe... Ganna be a LOOOONG winter for them!!!
Grow baby grow!!!!!